Persons seeking employment
Persons seeking meaningful community participation
Students transitioning into the workforce
Employers and community organizations
Vocational Services
- Assessment and evaluation
- Career preparation and exploration
- Employability skills training
- Job placement assistance
- Job coaching and follow-along
Skill-Building Services
- Social and community skills training
- Volunteer opportunities
Business Services
◘ Stabilize your high-turnover positions with pre-screened employees whose interests and aptitudes are matched with your expectations and position requirements.
◘ Reduce your employee recruitment, selection and training costs by providing a pool of qualified applicants
◘ Provide on-the-job assistance and follow up services to ensure the placement is a success for both you and the employee.
◘ Assist you with accessing tax credits available for hiring persons with disabilities. Financial aid may be available for on-the-job training or re-training instruction.
◘ Provide trainees for internships, apprenticeships and mentorships within your business. Individually tailored School-to-Work partnerships bring together students, educators, businesses and the community.
◘ Provide all services at no cost to you
Employers and business owners provide invaluable opportunities for adults and students seeking employment or meaningful community participation!